Student Wellbeing

At St Patrick’s, student wellbeing is built around the model of Restorative Practice. The restorative approach is based on the belief that the people best placed to resolve a conflict or a problem are the people directly involved, and that imposed solutions are less effective, less educative and possibly less likely to be honoured. 

A Restorative approach...


  • encourages students to appreciate the consequences of their actions for others
  • enables students to make amends where their actions have harmed others
  • requires students to be accountable for their actions
  • encourages respect for all concerned     

School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)

St Patrick’s is a School Wide Positive Behaviour Support school. School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a framework that brings together school communities to develop positive, safe, supportive learning cultures.

SWPBS assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.

When SWPBS is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Students and staff benefit from:

  • increased respectful and positive behaviour
  • increased time focused on instruction
  • improved social-emotional wellbeing
  • positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
  • increased adoption of evidence-based instructional practices
  • a predictable learning environment with improved perceptions of safety and increased attendance.

Wellbeing Programs: Bounce Back; Respectful Relationships; Respectful Relationships and Sexuality; Circle Time

School TV


Because parenting doesn’t come with a set of instructions, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource that can support you in the challenges relating to modern-day parenting. This award-winning resource helps build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers to navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for young people. It can assist in starting conversations on topics that are sometimes awkward or difficult to tackle.


Mini Vinnies

St Patrick's Mini Vinnies Group is made up of students from Years 3-6. They are formed to support those in need in our school and local community. 

They are  involved in:

  • Visiting the elderly in nursing homes
  • Promoting the St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal
  • Hosting used clothes and food drives
  • Raising money for flood, fire, drought relief

CatholicCare Family Support Worker

A School Counsellor is employed by CatholicCare to support student wellbeing at St Patrick’s. Parents can request a referral for their child to attend counselling sessions.  

The Family School Support Program aims to:

  • Liaise and strengthen partnerships between teachers, families and the broader community regarding student and family wellbeing
  • Promote positive student mental health strategies
  • Provide referrals as necessary to specialist services
  • Provide intervention based support as required e.g.  counselling support to families in crisis
  • Provide pastoral care to the school community
  • Provide support to teachers and students for the implementation Wellbeing programs 
  • Promote the development of social skills, resilience, tolerance and self-esteem for students and assist staff to develop programs to support this
  • Provide confidential support to families
  • Provide parent education sessions

Individual appointments with our Family support Worker may be made by emailing: 

Principal: Olga Lyons

Student Wellbeing Leader: Tristan Fay

or by contacting Olga or Tristan at the school on 55681371